UNICEF Day, also known as UNICEF Foundation Day, is celebrated annually on December 11 to honor the founding of the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF.The founding of UNICEF, one of the world’s largest charity organizations.To honor the organization’s work to protect the rights of children around the world .

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The UN General Assembly established UNICEF on December 11, 1946. UNICEF was originally called the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It was created to provide emergency food and healthcare to children and mothers in countries that had been devastated by World War II.Many communities organize events for World Children’s Day where children can showcase their talents, discuss their ideas, or participate in activities.

If there aren’t any events nearby, you can host a small gathering with other parents and children. You can learn more about issues that affect children around the world and see examples of what other kids are doing.It focuses on pressing issues affecting children, such as health, education, and protection, aligning with its overarching mission to uphold the rights and well-being of every child.

Author: Aasspass_user

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